Hai guys! Kali ini putri bakalan curcol sedikit hehe...
Sekedar info nih,I'm already grade 9! First,i feel happy,sad at the same time. You know why? Cause in grade 9 at saturday rightly,i can't hangout with ma friends... Sad isn't it? Haha. And then at grade 9 there's many homework so i can't play more video games and online at social media.... especially twitter& instagram. Yeah you know lah every parents not allowed their son or daughter to online social media everyday or play more video games,cause cyber can broke their concentrate and make they lazy to study. GOOD JOB MY PARENTS(?)-_- Um okay, actually i REAAALLLLLYYYYY REALLY REALLY want to be senior high school 1/3's students *amin,yaAllah amiinn* but........ i'm not good enough at math..... somebody who smart at math please tell me how to get goodscore at math lesson,hm maybe i can eat math book or calculator *forget it* *jayus* *lebay mode on*
And after i asked to my senior at shs (senior high school) National exam is super easy *shock* but at Indonesia&english lesson is rather difficult so i must study more hard .___.
By the way,i'll give you some tips might be useful for you ;;)
First, in grade 9 or 12 reduce the habbit hangout,sometimes you need hangout to refresh your mind but sometimes loh ya sometimes *woles dong-_-*
If you're a gammer or internet addicts,reduce your habbit to online or play games
Second, you must read a lot of book,such as math books or biology book,or chemical book,etc. Especially book class 7 and 8 or 10 and 11,do the material being tested from grade 7 until 9 ._.
Third,do more exercises. They help you to get used to the question that tested
Fourth,don't forget to keep your body health and pray to God to be smooth at National Exam
Uhm i think it's enough and i'm so happy to share to you all! I'm sorry if my english is bad^^ Bye bye
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